UN adopts Russian-drafted resolution on Yemen sanctions
The Security Council on Monday adopted a Russian-drafted resolution on a technical rollover of the Yemen sanctions regime.
The unanimous vote followed a Russian veto of a Britain-drafted text that contained language of Iranian "non-compliance" with the UN sanctions regime against individuals and entities deemed to be engaging in or providing support for acts that threaten the peace, security or stability of Yemen.
In the vote on the Britain-drafted text, 11 members of the council were in favour, Russia and Bolivia were against, and China and Kazakhstan abstained, reports Xinhua.
Since Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council, the Britain draft failed to be adopted.
The council then put to vote the Russian text, which won unanimous support of the 15 members of the council.
The resolution renews sanctions against designated individuals and entities for a year, till Feb. 26, 2019, and extends the mandate of a Panel of Experts, which is tasked to assist in the implementation of the sanctions regime, until March 28, 2019.
The sanctions include an asset freeze against designated individuals and entities and a travel ban.
Yemen has been in civil war since 2015, pitting Houthi forces loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh and forces loyal to the government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi. In December 2017, conflict erupted between Houthi rebels and Saleh supporters, leading to the killing of Saleh.
The conflict is also seen to involve regional powers.
A Saudi-led military coalition is striking Houthi rebels, which are allegedly supported by Iran. Tehran has denied such allegations.
Before the vote on his country's text, British ambassador Jonathan Allen said the Security Council must not ignore the growing ballistic missile threat emanating from Yemen, which gravely threatens international peace and stability.
Missile attacks against civilian targets in Saudi Arabia are unacceptable, he said.
Allen said his country was deeply concerned that Iran has failed to take necessary measures to prevent the direct or indirect supply of short-range ballistic missiles, missile propellents and unmanned aerial vehicles to Houthi rebels in Yemen, as reported by the Panel of Experts.(Source: The Business Standard)
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